Our Approach

We identify critical needs in our community based on the input of local leaders and experts in Anne Arundel County. We collaborate to meet the need together. Once the need is met, we gather together to consider the next need.


[ We love because he first loved us.  - 1 John 4.19 ]

In our vulnerability, brokenness and sin, our Heavenly Father pursued us in His mercy, rescued us in His love by the sacrificial death of His Son Jesus Christ on the cross, and gave us a new life through the power of Jesus Christ’s Resurrection.  Having tasted His divine mercy and scandalous grace—and being filled with power from His very Spirit—we are compelled by His love to identify the gravest injustices, go to our most vulnerable neighbors, and spend our resources and lives to serve others.  We do this because this is what our triune God did for us and this is His continual movement in the world. While we share these common motivations we are willing to work with any person, church or organization that is doing good in our County regardless of belief.


For more details on collaborations, how to get involved, and where to donate, head over to the collaborations page!


Church and organization leaders please fill out this form to let us know if you would like to be involved in our current or future collaborations.